But I've already splurged.
Maybe what Eric and Prashanth told me in the KTM few days ago are true afterall.
According to them, whoever is my future husband, he will be living in bad luck since he has a shopaholic wife to take care of.
Yea, rightttttttt...
Well, just to look on the bright side, maybe they simply said that because they are just not qualified to become my future husband since I said my future husband must be rich. LoL.
By the way, yesterday I went to Pavillion with mum, sis and bro with an intention to just look around but somehow I ended up with a leather belt and almost bought a top form MNG while mum accidentally bought a t-shirt from Forever 21.
As for today, I went to Ampang Point and again I bought something but this time, I take it as a good purchase because I bought a novel, Remember me? by Sophie Kinsella. I wanted to buy Sepulchre by Kate Mosse but I wasn't sure whether the author is good, maybe I should ask Muhaimin later about her since he seems like an expert about this kind of books.
* * *
Anyway, a friend of mine told me that I'm dangerous.
Dangerous???? What on earth??