Saturday, November 20, 2010

OK, here we go!

Alright, alright, finally, i found the inspiration and spirit to blog. Haha.

Things have been awesome after the first sessional exam. I've been doing a lot of shopping lately for my family (Yes, i'm coming home in less than a month! yeehaa!)

Though, the bad part is, I'm really really excited to go home to the point that I've become reckless and lazy about my studies here. So, please wake up Suraya! Make sure all of your previous effort, all those stay-ups, zombie eyes, acned face worth it. Don't just let it go down the drain!!

Thanks to Joanna, who called me while I was in the auto yesterday, stuck in the, as always, crazy, hectic traffic of India. She reminded me that I still have 1 more month before I can go home so I better get over that post-exam jolliness. Lol.

Anyway, I better start being serious again about my studies, Dr.Harsha wants to ask anatomy viva tomorrow. Huhu..

However, I do like Dr.Harsha or normally I just call him sir. He makes me think out of the box, like dare to go beyond. His method of teaching is based on 'why' questions. Which is exactly caught my interest. Especially when it comes to anatomy, a lot of things that you must memorize. But I'm the kind of person who cannot simply memorize by not knowing what is it exactly and why it is named in such a way. So, Dr.Harsha could really answer my wonders, doubts and curiosity without any hesitation. I really salute him. A very young doctor yet very passionate of what he does and plus, never get tired of explaining the same thing again and again till you understand.

He's indeed, an excellent teacher.


Nway, I wanted to post some pics and write about my eid adha (in which I got to eat beef after three months!) yet I have to go for usrah now! till then, ciao!

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